Monday, October 21, 2013

Fox News Still Trying To Link Obama To IRS Controversy

          In this news blog by Laura Santhanam Fox News host Gretchen Carlson claims that the president Obama had previous knowledge and played a role in IRS targeting of political groups. In the news video form today October 21, 2013 Carlson talks with Jay Sekulo, the chief counsel with the conservative American Center for law and Justice which also filed a lawsuit against the government over allegations about what the IRS did. Now Obama’s name is still not on the lawsuit but Jay insists that Obama had previous knowledge.                                                                                                                                                            Laura’s blog is mostly intended for those who saw the news or have heard about the IRS. Santhanam does not believe that Obama took part in this as she showed her evidence which proofs that Sekulo does not have enough evidence to put the president in with the lawsuit. Based on the interview with 15 IRS employees and the GOP-Led House Oversight Committee, a July 16 memo issued by the office of Rep. showed that not one of these witnesses reported any political motivation or White House involvement.              
           In this case I would have to agree with Santhanam because she also believes, based on the evidence that Obama wasn’t involved with the IRS therefor the Fox News should drop the accusations and the speculations towards the president.

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