Friday, December 13, 2013

In Debt but Rich

How is it that the government of the United States ended in a $17,216,241,789,218.17 debt? Really we are at fault of letting them administer our countries money. Now where is all this money being spent, and what is really happening with our tax money? Well, the US is one of the countries that spend the most in military as this picture shows.

Now what if they would cut the budget they have for military security by half, it would allow us to catch up on that debt. Not only that, our money should be better distributed in other areas where it is much more needed; education, welfare, and jobs. I would strongly agree with the writer of DeploSpeak when she stated,”I question whether it will take a significant government shutdown and default to force them to restructure”. Like if it was that simple just to get out of the debt one day to another. 

We are in need of some serious budgeting to allow money to go in all directions and grow on all sides not just military force.

It will take the effort of all of us to make sure we keep the government on point of what they spend our money, and how it is spent. 

Only after managing our debt will we be able to concentrate in building this country’s economy. It should not be up to them how the money flouts around. We should also bring back all the troops that are patrolling, on missions or projects. What are we doing trying to fix another countries problems when at home it is worse than ever. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Strongly agreeing with Jonathan Gonzalez's blog, the NSA is pushing its limits too far and will end up hurting the US. Not only invading our privacy, but our allies? For reals? All we are setting up for is disaster and controversy within our own government. America is such a bully and a freak control that they feel the need to know everything that is going on. Although having a heads up when it comes to a crashing plane or exploding buildings does save life's, I don't think it is an excuse to infiltrate our allies and our peoples privacy. This could make our allies drift away and want to turn against us.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Marijuana and Alcohol
  Why is the government still thinking about legalization of Marijuana? That issue should have been resolved long time ago. I can assume that most of us including me are for legalizing the herb now that 58% are pro marijuana. Drinking while intoxicated could and has been lethal and so many people have died because of drunk drivers and consumption of alcohol. Some studies have shown that in a driving test, a driver under the influence of marijuana overestimate their impairment and show greater distance between cars versus drunk driver who have the most difficulty passing simple tests.

The government has to put it all in a balance and make the decision knowing that alcohol is worse than marijuana. According to both researchers; D. Mark Anderson of Montana State University and Daniel Rees of the University of Colorado at Denver from Journal of Policy Analysis and Management report there has been a decrees in teenage drinking from ages ranging in the 18- to 20-years and a 5% decrease in alcohol sales.

the “green light” to legalizing marijuana could and would make the streets safer. Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) and other organizations against drunk driving would have part of a solution to the problem. Also, when have you heard of someone having an overdose on marijuana? Or that someone feels the need to kill someone, rob a bank or kidnap someone because they were under the influence of marijuana? Government has to get on with the program and legalize it. If they would just tax it like everything else, even drug trafficking over the borders cold decrees. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Fox News Still Trying To Link Obama To IRS Controversy

          In this news blog by Laura Santhanam Fox News host Gretchen Carlson claims that the president Obama had previous knowledge and played a role in IRS targeting of political groups. In the news video form today October 21, 2013 Carlson talks with Jay Sekulo, the chief counsel with the conservative American Center for law and Justice which also filed a lawsuit against the government over allegations about what the IRS did. Now Obama’s name is still not on the lawsuit but Jay insists that Obama had previous knowledge.                                                                                                                                                            Laura’s blog is mostly intended for those who saw the news or have heard about the IRS. Santhanam does not believe that Obama took part in this as she showed her evidence which proofs that Sekulo does not have enough evidence to put the president in with the lawsuit. Based on the interview with 15 IRS employees and the GOP-Led House Oversight Committee, a July 16 memo issued by the office of Rep. showed that not one of these witnesses reported any political motivation or White House involvement.              
           In this case I would have to agree with Santhanam because she also believes, based on the evidence that Obama wasn’t involved with the IRS therefor the Fox News should drop the accusations and the speculations towards the president.

Monday, October 7, 2013

by The Editorial Board

In this article the Editorial Board from New York Times, talk about Al Shabab terrorizing and how America plays a part in this. As of last Saturday the Navy Seals had done a raid on a Somali villa in an attempt to find a senior Shabab commander and capture American commandos of a key terrorist suspect in Libya. Al Shabab has been expanding towards Kenya and beyond do to Somalia not having a central government for two decades. If the Kenyan troops that is part of an African Union mission do not leave Somalia, Al Shabab threatens to intensify attacks on Kenya. A month ago on an upscale mall in Kenya, Al Shabab made a four day long terrorist attack which killed more than 60 people. Rumors say that some of the Al Shabab attackers were Americans although this hasn’t been proven. The author tells us that the Obama administration should cut off financing for Al Shabab including fund raising in the United States. Some evidence that the author presents show us that several Somali Americans have been prosecuted for terrorist financing and some have been indicated on suspicion of traveling to train and fight with Al Shabab. Also a Congressional Research Service report said more than 20 young men from Minnesota are believed to have gone to fight in Somalia. Strongly agreeing with the author, I also think that the U.S. has problems of their own that can’t be resolved yet and don’t see the point in funding for Somalia’s military. If even some of our people are in with the Al Shabab what is being shown hear. Why are we helping someone else win a war or fight that is not ours? Cutting off the funding for the Somalia military would help our economy in many ways. I’m not saying not to help but its money that could be used for helping our own people. They can’t win the war against terrorism in America, gang wars or dug wars and they want to fix someone else’s war on terrorism!!?  

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Republicans want to remove or take away Obamacare and there is an ongoing fight to extract concessions on the Affordable Care Act which became law in March 23, 2010. Congressional Republicans have given two deadlines, October 1 trough mid-October. so they can agree or disagree, they need a stopgap measure if they don’t come to a conclusion the government will shut down. In the article John Boehner said “Our message to the United States Senate is real simple: The American people don't want the government shut down, and they don't want Obamacare." Now what Boehner doesn't see is how all this helps the people how cant afford health care. Many people depend on Obamacare to make it possible to afford a health insurance and if they would take it away many of these people will be cut out form health care. Hopefully Obama is right as he spoke Saturday night to Congressional Black Caucus, "Let me say as clearly as I can: It is not going to happen. ... We're not going to allow anyone to inflict economic pain on millions of our own people just to make an ideological point."